What clients are saying…
“Chelsea looks at the whole picture, to support and help you have a healthy relationship with food. ”
—J. Martin
“Chelsea offers positive, nonjudgemental, and encouraging support to help reach weight loss and nutrition goals. She has lots of advice, ideas, suggestions, and recipes to help change your eating habits. She is always very positive and works hard to find a nutrition program that will work”
“Chelsea recognizes not everyone's way of eating is a "one size fits all" type of eating and everyone is different. Chelsea is the ONLY person who listened to me and actually tried to help me versus giving me a generic meal plan.”
“I would recommend Chelsea to anyone who needed help with food (and truly wanted help). Chelsea isn't drastic and doesn't scare people away...she eases you into making small changes.I have worked with 3 other dietitians and they were so drastic; it takes time to change your whole diet and you have to ease into it.”
- L. McGee
“Chelsea makes concepts and information simple to understand and easy to apply in order to start a healthy lifestyle journey!”
-M. Jones
“For me, Chelsea helps me be accountable and also give me freedom. I love how supportive and encouraging she is, she knows exactly when to boost me forward toward my weight loss goals!”
-J. Martin
“Chelsea is intelligent and makes applicable suggestions to achieve success and results.”